Member of the Month
March 2025
Cindy Sia
Hometown:West Harwich
What are your interests, hobbies, and talents outside of MCAC?
I love to walk on the beach year round, I’ve taken up watercolor painting and I trained one of our dogs as a therapy dog so we visit nursing homes, rehab facilities, etc a couple times a week.

When you’re not at MCAC, where would we find you?
My happy place is having coffee on the porch first thing in the morning with my husband and it’s even better when our kids or friends are visiting and can join us!
What days/times are you normally at MCAC?
Mainly weekdays in the morning, but the afternoon and evening sometimes too.
Tell us about your sports and fitness background.
I have always been active. I ran track, played field hockey, and went to aerobics classes for years before discovering tennis.
When did you start at MCAC? How did you first get exposed to MCAC? How did your first couple of workouts go?
We were down here during the pandemic and then moved down permanently in 2021. MidCape came up when I did a search for places to learn how to play tennis. I have loved it from my first lesson!
What impact has MCAC had on your life?
Everyone who works at MCAC creates a welcoming environment for everyone who walks through the doors. I have met some of the nicest people while I learn to play tennis.
What is your advice for people just getting started or thinking about starting MCAC?
Find what interests you and keep at it. There is something for everyone at MCAC. Personally I have loved the tennis program. However I have heard great things about the classes and personal training programs and keep thinking I should do that, but so far I have been all talk and no action in that department!